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United Way Union County Arkansas

Community Campaign

Thank you for being a caring member of our community! Whether you give, advocate, or volunteer, you play a crucial role in improving Union County! Our 2024-2025 Community Campaign is in full swing!

The United Way of Union County raises money for 12 charitable organizations in our community that focus on improving life for everyone. We do this by asking businesses and individuals for their support. For businesses, a workplace campaign allows employees to give by direct donation or payroll deduction, harnessing the collective power of the employees. Some companies choose to give directly from the company or match their employees. By uniting individual donors through a single ask, we increase the organized capacity of people who care for one another. To be clear, we don’t expect anyone to give if they don’t know where the money is going.

To that end, please get in touch with me at or 870-315-3929! I love sharing how we work to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of donations, allowing our partner agencies to focus on programs. As stewards of our community's hard-earned dollars, we work closely with our partners to ensure funds are used appropriately and wisely and go to where there is truly a need. Last year, we raised over $1.5 million, 100% of which stays here in Union County and goes directly to our partner agencies.

By Giving United, you maximize the impact of every dollar. Rather than random amounts coming in at random times, our partner agencies receive a monthly distribution to fund their program(s). This frees the agencies up mentally, physically, and financially so they can focus on the work they have been called to do rather than constantly fundraising for those programs. We do not fund our partner agencies entirely, so most do some additional fundraising. However, we significantly reduce their burden! As each partner agency will tell you, they could not operate without the United Way of Union County campaign funds.

The support of our local businesses and individuals is the backbone of United Way and our ability to support initiatives that have changed many lives in our community. With today’s challenges, more people are struggling in our community than ever, and local programs are being stretched to the limit to meet the needs.

Every donation, large or small, brings us one step closer to our goal — a community ready and able to meet the needs of its citizens.

Please consider donating by November 15th. Thank you for LIVING UNITED!

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